Friday, April 15, 2016

Progress takes time.

The constant threat of terrorism provokes strong emotions in the hearts of many US citizens. There are many theories on how this epidemic should be handled, but few have proven truly effective. The US Armed Forces is a major tool used by Washington, D.C. Author Alfredo Jaimes believes we should not use our military to terrorize other countries in his post Are we ever going to witness progress ?

Jaimes' purpose is that of expression. He provides a link to a post titled, The Right Approach to Terrorism. In that article, author William Astore provides a persuasive argument on how terrorism shouldn't be handled. This article allows Jaimes to provide an emotional post without having to get into specifics. Alfredo Jaimes expresses his distaste for a military approach and refers to the US Government as, "The United States Terrorists." There has been considerable amount of collateral damage due to the US military's urban ops and drone strikes. However, the author never cites statistics and rather prefers to reveal his personal values. Jaimes feels the military operations are only creating more enemies and states, "it doesn't take a genius to figure this out." The language of the post tends to lean slightly toward persuasion, yet Jaimes offers very little support for his claim. Instead, he focuses on his opposition toward US involvement in the middle east and fills his article with subjective-language. Jaimes lets readers know he doesn't agree with terrorist overseas, and also doesn't agree with how the US has approached the situation. He ends the article with a call to action which reflects that of author William Astore.

Alfredo Jaimes provides an emotional article which has a few elements of persuasion. If Jaimes want's to provide a call to action to a very important issue, he should put more focus on how this issue affects the reader. In the realm of time itself, US involvement in the middle east is rather new. There is no easy approach to unconventional warfare. However, if people like Jaimes continue to express their concerns, it might just push the government to make some changes.

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